
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Huge Pseudocyst of the Spleen
卷期 29:5
並列篇名 巨大脾臟假性囊腫
作者 張浩銘劉昌憲蔡文詮奚聖川劉耀基
頁次 269-271
關鍵字 Hemorrhagic pseudocyst spleenCA 19-9Laparoscopic unroofingMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200910



Splenic cysts are classified as parasitic or nonparastic based on etiology. Nonparastic hemorrhagic pseudocyst of the spleen is rare. A 19-year-old woman presented with a non-tender mass over the left upper quadrant of her abdomen. The patient reported having the mass for three weeks, stating that she had noted progressive growth and dysphagia recently. She did not remember any previous chest or abdominal trauma. Computed tomography showed a huge splenic cyst 16 cm×13cm×11cm in size. Laboratory data showed high serum cancer antigen CA 19-9. Percutaneous drainage reduced CA 19-9 level to within normal range. Alcoholic injection therapy was performed three times and cyst recurrence was noted. Laparoscopic cyst unroofing was recommended to provide symptom relief and to preserve spleen function. Pathology result showed a hemorrhagic pseudocyst of the spleen. The patient recovered uneventfully and experienced no recurrence during follow-up.

