
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Genetic Analysis of the Flagellin Gene of Lyme Disease Spirochetes (Borrelia Burgdorferi) Isolated from Rodents in Taiwan
卷期 29:5
並列篇名 臺灣地區鼠類分離萊姆病疏螺旋體菌之鞭毛基因分析
作者 趙麗蓮師健民
頁次 249-255
關鍵字 Lyme diseaseBorrelia burgdorferiFlagellin geneTaiwanMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200910



The flagellin gene of Borrelia burgdorferi is highly conserved, and genomic analysis among Borrelia isolates using sequence similarity of a flagellin gene has been proven useful for the species identification and genomic typing of Borrelia spirochetes isolated from various biological and geographical sources. Thus, we analyzed the flagellin gene of Lyme disease spirochetes for the first time in Taiwan. Methods: The genetic identities of Taiwan isolates (TWKM1-7) were determined by comparing their sequence similarities of the PCR-amplified flagellin genes with three major genospecies of Lyme disease spirochetes. Their phylogenetic relationships were also analyzed by neighbour-joining and maximum parsimony methods. Results: The sequence similarity of Taiwan isolates revealed a highly homogeneous genotype, ranging from 97.8% to 100%, within the genospecies of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and was clearly distinguished from other genospecies of Lyme disease spirochetes with a high sequence variability (>4.9%) of the flagellin gene. In addition, phylogenetic analysis based on the flagellin gene also revealed a highly genetic divergence between Taiwan isolates and other Borrelia strains that were isolated from different biological and geographical sources. Conclusions: Our results provide the first investigation on the genetic identity of the flagellin gene of these Taiwan isolates and confirm that these Taiwan isolates are genetically related to the genospecies of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto.

