
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 The Role of Glu367 in the Quaternary Structure of Goose δ-crystallin
卷期 29:6
並列篇名 麩胺酸基367於鵝眼delta晶體蛋白四級結構之角色研究
作者 黃志偉李惠珍
頁次 315-318
關鍵字 Glu367Goose δ-crystallinMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200912



δ-Crystallin is a soluble structural protein that is recruited from argininosuccinate lyase through gene sharing to confer special refractive properties in avian eye lenses. The present study investigates the role of Glu367. This residue is located in the interface of the double dimer. Mutation in Glu367 caused no subtle changes in the conformation and stability of the secondary and tertiary structure as compared to wild-type protein. However, dissociated dimeric form was observed for E367A mutant protein. The dissociated dimers were unstable and prone to form protein aggregates. These results indicate that the interactions provided by E367 in the dimer-dimer interface of δ-crystallin are important for double dimmer assembly.
