
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 管制與發展的歧路--中國農業生物科技的發展策略與管制政策的變遷
卷期 46
並列篇名 Turning between Regulation and Development: China's Development Strategies in Agribiotechnology and the Change of Regulation Policy-making
作者 賴沅暉
頁次 151-195
關鍵字 管制政策農業生物科技基因改造作物科技政策預警原則Regulatory policyAgribiotechnologyGenetically modified cropsTechnology policyPrecautionary principleTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




China's agribiotechnology policy has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, from an enthusiastic promoter of genetically modified (GM) crops towards greater precautionary principle approach. The Chinese leadership has begun to recognize the political nature of biotechnology and to redefine genetic engineering as an issue of regulation rather than scientific capacity. This shift corresponds with a parallel trend towards greater awareness for environmental issues and the rise of sustainable development as a guiding principle for the country's economic strategy. To explain the recent adoption of a more precautionary principle on agribiotechnology, and explore the driving forces behind the transformation in agribiotechnology policy and the salience of environmental issues on the political agenda, we need to analyze the wider environmental, economic and political issues that the introduction of GM crops has raised in China. Underlying these issues is a more fundamental concern about the state's ability to regulate agribiotechnology. In a sense, regulating agribiotechnology in China is about guarding the stage's central role within the economy and the legitimacy of the current regime as much as about trade, environment and public health issues. This task has been complicated by the economic globalization of China over the last two decades, which has allowed international norms and forces increasingly to shape domestic policy-making. Therefore, this paper tries to seek to shed light on the underlying trends and international-domestic linkages that have produced policy changes in China's agribiotechnology development.
