
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 民主國家獨立機關的創建理由與制度定位:兼論對於我國政府改造的啟示
卷期 46
並列篇名 Creations and Characters of Independent Agencies in Democratic States: The Inspiration for Reinventing Government in Taiwan
作者 孫煒
頁次 107-149
關鍵字 獨立機關授權政府改造Independent agencyDelegation theoryReinventing governmentTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




The independent agency is the widely accepted institutional choice when a modern democratic state reinventing its government, in order to cope with the transition in the roles played by the state and the functions of the government, and to make impact on the policies. In this paper, the approach derived from the delegation theory would be firstly used to analyze the reasons and operation of the legislative branches of democratic states create independent agencies; then this paper would discuss the presidential democracy of the U.S.A and the parliamentary democracies of Europe, the characters of legislative branches to delegate authority to independent agencies, and to explore the implication and development n the independence and accountability of independent agencies. After analyzing the creations and characters of independent agencies of contemporary western democratic states, in this paper, the development and special features of independent agencies after the turnover of government in Taiwan would be discussed, which showed the differences between independent agencies of Taiwan and those of contemporary democratic states. In conclusion, this paper has tried to analyze that under the special historical context and socio-economical-political and cultural background, the problems derived from the operation of independent agencies under the semi-presidentialism in Taiwan, and made suggestions to the policy makers in the future.
