
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 選區規模與立法委員分配政策提案的關聯性研究:第三、四屆立法院的分析
卷期 46
並列篇名 The Association of District Size and Pork Barrel Related Bills Initiated by Legislators: An Analysis on the 3□ and 4[90bb] Legislative Yuan in Taiwan
作者 羅清俊謝瑩蒔
頁次 1-48
關鍵字 分配政策選區規模分配政治行為肉桶政治行為立法院Distributive policyDistrict sizePork barrel behaviorLegislative yuanTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




This thesis explores the motives of legislators seeking distributive benefits for their districts by secondary data. Based on distributive theories, the authors investigate whether the pork-bill-initiation behavior of legislators from the 3rd and 4th legislative Yuan in Taiwan are affected by the district size where legislators are elected from. The authors also observe whether the bill-initiation behavior of legislators would change as a result of the changes of district size across different Legislative Yuan.Ignoring statistical significance, Negative Binomial Regression analyses show that the regression coefficients of district size are as expected both in sign and scale, in the sense that the larger the district size is, the less the incentives of legislators have on bill-initiation. This is true not only in the respective term of the 3rd and 4th Legislative Yuan, but also on the aggregate-level analysis dealing with the changes of district size.This thesis does not find significant association between district size and legislator's bill-initiation behavior on distributive benefit, nevertheless the statistical results still show identifiable pattern. The authors suggest that it is still worthy to study this issue in terms of different kinds f pork barrel behavior other than bill-initiation.
