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篇名 文心百變與經典轉化:從《荊釵記》到《比目魚》
卷期 167
並列篇名 The Transformation of the Classics and the Invention of Playwriting: From Jingchaiji to Bimuyu
作者 汪詩珮
頁次 221-270
關鍵字 李漁比目魚荊釵記隱喻經典轉化戲中戲Li YuJingchaiji metaphoradaptationplay within a playBimuyu THCITSSCI
出刊日期 201003




The main topic of this paper is one of Li Yu’s ten chunqi plays,Bimuyu (The Paired Fish, or The Flounder), which is the best example to discuss how the playwright assimilated the dramatic classics and transformed the old traditions to “invest” the new play in his times. Firstly, this paper will analyze Li Yu’s “mimesis” of Jingchaiji (The Thorn Hairpin) from the exterior plots and characters to the interior subjects and implied meanings. Through the close reading of the text, it is clear that Li Yu’s
invention came from the original classics of xiwen and zaju. Secondly, this paper will focus on the discussion of two “play within a play” scenes,because they represent the core of Li Yu’s creativity of adaptation
and intertextuality.
Finally, from the contemporary critic’s words, it is shown that the “topic” of the play and the “names” of Sheng and Dan (main characters) were the metaphors which express secretly the playwright’s
inner world as a marginalized literatus.
