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篇名 私人宗教儀式的社會意義:莆田東華「謝恩」儀式的田野考察
卷期 167
並列篇名 Social Significances of Private Religious Rituals: A Field Investigation of the Xie’en Ritual in Donghua, Putian
作者 鄭莉
頁次 189-220
關鍵字 謝恩儀式私人性宗教儀式社區關係莆田平原xie’enPutiancommunity relationprivate religious ritualTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201003




Traditional religious rituals in Chinese rural society include community religious rituals of the village altar or temple, as well as private religious rituals of the individual, family, and other organizations.
Together they constitute a ritual system of popular religion and are both
rich in social significance. Previous scholarship has largely focused on the religious rituals of communities and overlooked the more private ones.
This article, based on data gathered from field investigation conducted at
Donghua, Huangshi Township, Putian, Fujian Province, will examine the xie’en (thanksgiving) ritual of the Yu Family and explore the private rituals’ impact on the community relations. The article begins with an introduction of the xie’en ritual content, its historical origin and symbolic meanings, followed by an investigation of the community environment, ritual space and a description of the actual ritual procedures, the participants, expenses, etc. The status of the xie’en ritual within the rural ritual tradition and its influences on the community relations and cultural continuance will be analyzed to deepen our understanding of the rural social and cultural tradition.
