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篇名 正德癸酉平陽堯廟改制考:平陽堯廟〈三聖廟碑〉解讀
卷期 167
並列篇名 The 1513 Conversion of the Pingyang Yao Temple: An Interpretation of the〈Sansheng Temple Stele〉
作者 劉永華
頁次 151-188
關鍵字 禮制明代道教堯廟大禮議ritualThe Great Ritual ControversyYao TempleDaoist religionMing dynastyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201003




Based on a case study of the 1513 conversion of ritual space at the Shanxi Pingyang Yao Temple, this essay aims to explore the relationship between Daoist religion and officially-recognized temples during the Yuan Dynasty and especially the changing attitudes of scholarofficials towards Daoist religion during the Ming. The Shanxi Pingyang Yao Temple had been included in Registers of Sacri f ice in earlier dynasties. In the beginning of the Yuan dynasty, a Daoist priest Jiang Shanxin, together with his disciples seized the opportunity of temple renovation to assume control of this impor tant temple. Since the Zhengtong reign (1436–1449), local officials had renovated the temple several times while keeping the Daoist elements (Daoist priests/Daoist deities) intact. It was not until 1513 that Censor Zhou Lun took charge to re-arrange its ritual space and eliminated the Daoist elements. This essay argues that the local officials’ changing attitudes towards Daoist elements at the Yao Temple in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries reflect that the appeal to reestablish the Neo-Confucian orthodoxy had been gaining force. This change of social thought paved the way for a series of ritual reforms triggered by the “Great Ritual Controversy” during the Jiajing reign (1522–1566).
