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篇名 湄洲祖廟與度尾龍井宮:興化民間媽祖崇拜的建構
卷期 167
並列篇名 Meizhou Ancestral Mazu Temple and the Dragon Well Temple of Duwei: The Construction of the Cult of Mazu in the Xinghua Region
作者 鄭振滿
頁次 123-150
關鍵字 湄洲祖廟民間儀式靈驗故事進香儀式度尾龍井宮媽祖崇拜Meizhou Ancestral Mazu Templefolklore ritualMazu cultefficacious storiespilgrimageDuwei Dragon Well TempleTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201003




Mazu, or Tianhou (Empress of Heaven) was a legitimate deity recognized and listed in the Register of Sacrifices, who had enjoyed imperial mandates and worship ever since the Song dynasty. The state’s standardization of the Mazu cult ref lects an inclination of cultural
unification. However, in different times and places, the Mazu cult was
constructed by its followers in various ways that carried historical and
regional significances. The folk construction of Mazu cult reflects the
diversities of regional culture. In order to investigate ways of such construction in the Xinghua region, case studies in this article include,
the Meizhou Ancestral Mazu Temple and the Dragon Well Temple of Duwei township in Xianyou. In this essay, the Meizhou Ancestral Mazu Temple’s founding histor y and subsequent renovations will first be outlined, then the establishment of the Dragon Well Temple in Duwei and its revival of the pilgrimage ritual introduced. Analysis will also be applied to accounts compiled in the booklet entitled “Miracles of Mazu” to explore
the historical memories and ways of construction of Mazu cult in Xinghua
so as to lay foundation for further comparative studies.
