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篇名 時空旅行過後的民族學資料:國立臺灣大學人類學系所藏之海南島黎族物像
卷期 166
並列篇名 Ethnological Materials under Changing Socio-political Context: On the Ethnographic Collections of the Li People of Hainan Island in the Department of Anthropology, NTU
作者 謝世忠
頁次 315-360
關鍵字 黎族時空旅行人類學系臺北帝國大學民族學海南島物像資料Li PeopleDepartment of AnthropologyTaihoku ethnologyHainan Islandtime and space dimensionartifacts and photosTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912




There are several hundred folk artworks/traditional daily utensils and old photos of the Li People of Hainan Island, China stored in the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University (NTU). It is very unusual to have such kind of anthropological collections in Taiwan.In 1941, an investigation team from the Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University brought back those materials. However it was not until the project of digitalization of all collections conducted by the Department in recent years, that one would know that Taiwanese anthropologists have the opportunity to “study” Li material culture out of Hainan. Just four
years right after Japanese scholars had transfered Li materials to Taiwan,
they left. And then the civil war caused serious antagonism between
Taiwan and China. Under the circumstances, academic contacts on the Li
became impossible among NTU anthropologists and Chinese ethnologists.
Furthermore, most of local ethnographers have devoted themselves to the
sphere of Austronesian aboriginal cultures in Taiwan, and seem to have
forgotten the Li materials which are put in a museum storage room on
campus.What Miyamoto Nobuto recorded while doing fieldwork in Hainan
gave for the first time an academic meaning to these collections. The
second renewed meaning came from a “precious” imagination on the materials through their “old age”. Attention was paid to the artworks/
utensils and photos for the third time by professors and their assistants at NTU when participating in the work of digitalization. On the other hand,at present Li studies in China are much more prosperous than in the
Republican era. Quite a few works of good quality have been published.
All academic contributions nevertheless have nothing to do with the Li
materials and the digitalization in Taiwan. In other words, it will not
change anything on Li studies in progress in China without taking into
consideration NTU’s relevant materials. People feel that the NTU Li
collections are valuable because of the history of disconnection. For
anthropological purpose, an accidental preciousness of a particular group
of materials does not have any significant value. What I suggest is that
scholars who are working on the NTU Li collections should initiate a new
field research in Hainan, and study old materials in the daily life context of the Li community.
