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篇名 臺南廖枝德司阜落篙程序之研究
卷期 166
並列篇名 A Case Study of Liao Chih-te’s Loh-ko Technique in Tainan
作者 林宜君吳宗江徐明福
頁次 141-184
關鍵字 丈篙落篙穿鬬式木構架3D雷射掃瞄空間資訊Tng-ko3D laser scanchuandou timber frameLóh-kospace informationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912




Tng-ko is one important tool for a carpenter’s architectural construction such as temples and traditional houses. The master carpenter marks on it the measurements of hun-ph.ng (post space), hun-tsui (roof sloping), kiah-loh (beam space), chhun-chhioh (component dimension) and chhak-khong (tenon and mortise). In these measurements taboos that derived from mechanical concepts are also implied.In the past, most articles oncerning traditional architectures in Taiwan lay their emphasis on the areas of construction taboos, feng shui prognostication and structural techniques. Recently, some scholars started to re-examine the onstruction concepts of master carpenters and devoted their researches to the device of Tng-ko. However, they invariably stress the basic definition of Tng-ko, leaving out the detailed Loh-ko procedure as well as the interpretation of projected relevant space information.Therefore, this research intends to address the design of chuandou timber frame and the construction concepts of the master carpenter Liao Chih-te’s school by analyzing the master’s actual Loh-ko record. Analysis of the Tng-ko and evidences from actual examples yield the following results. First, from the Lóh-ko procedure one can comprehend the proportional scale and measurements of the master carpenter. Second,Liao Chih-te’s construction cases are scanned in three-dimensions; the measurements thus obtained match that from the Lóh-ko procedure.With this research, we establish a new mode of traditional architecture preservation by using scanned data to obtain space information.
