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篇名 Tradition,Internal Debates, and Futurep Directions: The Concept of Tradition and Its Relation to Time in the Practices of the Chinese Seven-Stringed Zither (Qin)
卷期 166
並列篇名 七弦琴(古琴)實踐中的傳統與時間概念
作者 蔡燦煌
頁次 097-124
關鍵字 Chinese seven-stringed zither qin music and timemusic and traditionintangible heritageinternal debate七弦琴(古琴)音樂與時間內部爭議非物質文化遺產音樂與傳統THCITSSCI
出刊日期 200912




The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of “tradition” of
the Chinese seven-stringed zither qin 琴 and its association with issues of
“intangible heritage,” “internal debate,” as well as its connection to the current and future practices of the instrument itself. The article introduces the discourse on “tradition” from an anthropological perspective before turning to its relationship with the above-mentioned issues. The paper also focuses on the material aspects of the qin by examining its associations with the concept of tradition and time (the past, present, and future). As a constantly renewing process and one that is often limited to a particular pace or speed of change, the concept of “tradition” has indeed played a very important role within contemporary qin practices and has provided a vision that projects toward the future. By using the case of the qin, the paper further suggests that an abstract concept such as “tradi-tion” can be useful for the understanding of performance itself in relation to the interpretation of the past and considerations for the future.
