
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 家長式領導的三元模式:中國大陸企業組織的證據
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Triad Model of Paternalistic Leadership: Evidence from Business Organizations in Mainland China
作者 鄭伯壎周麗芳黃敏萍樊景立彭泗清
頁次 209-250
關鍵字 Subordinate responsesPaternalistic leadershipAuthority orientation of traditionality傳統性之權威取向部屬反應家長式領導TSCITSSCI
出刊日期 200312



Paternalistic Leadership (PL) has been labeled a prevalent phenomenon in Chinese business organizations, almost all current evidence comes from organizations in the 3 tigers of East Asia and the overseas Chinese societies in South-East Asia, especially from Chinese Family Businesses (CFBs). But paternalistic leadership has been little explored in the business organizations of Mainland China. We sampled 240 leader-subordinate dyads from business organizations in China to probe the prevalence of PL, the generalizability of the triad model, and the influence of 3 leadership styles: shi-en (granting favors), li-wei (inspiring awe or fear) and shuh-der (setting a moral example). Results indicated: (1) according to confirmatory factor analysis, the fitness of the triad model including benevolent, authoritarian, and moral leadership, is good; (2) compared PL with Western transformational leadership, PL had unique explanative power for all the responses and attitudes of subordinates, and transformational leadership also had unique effects on all dependent variables except organizational commitment; (3) moral leadership had the most significant main effect of the 3 elements of PL; (4) for the interaction effects among the 3 elements, leadership utilizing equivalent En and Wei had a positive effect on emic-loyalty, but En - Der and Wei - Der had negative interaction effects on outcome variables; (5) the subordinate’s authority orientation had no moderating effect on authoritarian leadership to subordinate responses. The first 4 findings are similar to those acquired with a sample in Taiwan.
