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篇名 從事跡與相關文本談廖添丁傳說的演化
卷期 165
並列篇名 The Development of the Liau Thiam-ting Legend: A Review of His Deeds and Related Textual Sources
作者 施炳華
頁次 147-217
關鍵字 傳說歌仔冊義賊鄉土文學legendkoa-a bookletnative literaturechivalrous thiefTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200909




LiauThiam-ting was a burglar who lived during the Japanese Colonial years. His identity and activities can be historically verified. In the folk legends he was deemed a “chivalrousthief." However, under the oppressive government of foreign Japanese sovereign, his chivalrous deeds were interpreted as ethnic-conscious resistance of an“anti-Japanese hero."
This article first discusses the definition of “legend,\"before determining Liau's stories are indeed legends. Two sections ensue with the following subjects. The first part is an introduction of information about LiauThiam-ting such as newspaper clippings of Liau's reports, the koa-a booklet Taiwanese Chivalrous This New Ballad of Liau Thiam-ting (Xingxin edition, compiled by Liang Songlin), and fiction about LiauThiam-ting, including LiaoYiiwen's Righteous Soul under the Taipei City Wall, Xindai's Biography of a Chivalrous Thif Liau Thiam-ting, Wu Letian's Liau Thiam-ting, the Taiwanese hero. The second is an analysis of the development of LiauThiam-ting's legends, including the changes of plot, arrangement of the characters, presentation of the theme, and the latent factors, history and arts of the development of legends
