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篇名 主旋律的音量:「國家舞臺藝術精晶工程」對大陸戲曲的影響
卷期 165
並列篇名 Volume of the Main Melody: The Impact of “NationalProject of Excellent Stage Art
作者 林幸慧
頁次 089-146
關鍵字 京劇戲曲改革開放新時期主旋律精品工程Peking operaNational Project of Excellent Stage Artmain melodyNew EraReforming and Opening upChinese traditional theaterTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200909




Before the Chinese Communist Party established its regime, they already highly valued the propaganda and didactic function of traditional opera. Such was the background when the official-ideologied“main melody theater" emerged. This article discusses mainly the“National Project of Excellent Stage Art" supplemented by references to the“50th State-Founding Anniversary Commemorative Performance."With the'50th State-Founding Anniversary Commemorative Performance" as a prologue, I discuss first how the government gradually reined in the“New Era theater" then I analyze the significance and impact of“National Project of Excellent Stage Art" on the Chinese traditional theater. I wish to clarify their implications in the development of main melody theater, and to demonstrate the nature of Chinese theater since the 1990s. Down to the 21" century, the government uses the "Excellent Stage Art" project to incorporate wholesale the performing arts. Under its influence, most theatrical works lost the poignancy and candor of the New Era. What remains is an empty shell echoing with the main melody.
