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篇名 從「秧歌劇」與「戲曲反共抗俄劇」看政治宣傳戲曲的操作
卷期 164
並列篇名 Manipulation of Propaganda Drama as Seen in Yangge and Anti-Communism Plays
作者 郭澤寬
頁次 97-161
關鍵字 地方戲劇比賽政治宣傳戲曲改革秧歌劇反共抗俄competition of localyanggereform of traditional operapolitical propagandaanti-communism/anti-Soviet RussiaTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200906




Early last century, with the political changes, there was a call for reform of the traditional drama. The strong influence of traditional
drama on the mass is often considered by men of vision to be instrumental
in the process of political or social reform of entire social modernization. It is also a continuation of the traditional moral education.
The yangge opera in mainland China and the fangong kang’e (anti -
communism and anti-Soviet Russia) opera in Taiwan that came out
around the late 1940s to 1950s are classic cases of traditional drama being utilized in political propaganda. Though they shared similar purposes, the difference in manipulation had resulted in different influences on later theatrical developments.
This article analyzes the two kinds of operas that came into existence
in the context of the confrontation between Kuomintang and communist
party. I describe the context and analyze those operatic works with
propaganda purpose in terms of their strategies of subject placement,
ways of form-adoption and development of conventions. I wi l l also
illustrate the contrasting influences they brought about.
Pol itical propaganda drama is the product of a special context.
It manifests most visibly the effects of political inf luence and causes multi-dimensional consequences. The formation and inf luemces of the yangge opera and anti-communism drama reflected the process of social modernization.
