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篇名 電視布袋戲與政治:1980年代一齣另類的反共抗俄劇
卷期 164
並列篇名 Televised Puppet Theater and Politics:An Alternative Anti-Communism Drama n the 1980s
作者 陳龍廷
頁次 163-189
關鍵字 布袋戲結構語言學隱喻換喻戒嚴puppet theatermetonymymetaphorstructural linguisticsmartial lawTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200906




The anti-communism plays were popular from the 1950s to the 1970s. By the 1980s, Taiwanese government lifted the martial law and gradually moved towards a more democratic regime. The anti-communism plays that were popular during early post-war years had declined by now. However, the televised puppet theater of this time demonstrated strong anti-communism features. This article examines the puppet show “Sacred Sword Evil Blade and the Liuhe Soul” produced by Taiwan Television Company in December 1982. By exploring this alternative traditional-communist play, I intend to re-consider the semantics and diverse creativity of the ancient-costume puppet theater of the martial law
period. I will employ the linguistic theory of Roman Jacobson to explore the semantic significance of the characters Chhiah-ng, Jiông-tãt-o, and E-á Tëng, and proceed to reveal the meanings delivered after a metaphor/metonymy process.
On the other hand, I will continue my long-term research on the anti-
communist plays of the 1950s and examine the diverse creative resources
of the traditional-costume puppet theater of the martial law period as well as its interpretations. I seek to re-define the development and influences of the anti-communist plays.
With the discussion stated above, the article aspires to illustrate the profound influence politics has exerted on theatrical creation, including televised puppet shows and the relation between playwrights and the 電視布袋戲與政治:1980年代一齣另類的反共抗俄劇 189
ruling power.
