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篇名 宗教慈善與災害重建:以九二一賑災為例
卷期 163
並列篇名 Religious Philanthropy and Disaster Relief in Taiwan: Lessons from the Post-921 Earthquake Reconstruction
作者 安德瑞
頁次 193-220
關鍵字 宗教慈善社團religious charityTzu Chiwelfare regimedisaster reliefBuddhist philanthropy佛教慈濟功德會福利制度救災援助佛教慈善機構THCITSSCI
出刊日期 200903




Policy-makers, media, and outsiders often look at the achievements of the Buddhist Compassion Merit Society for Relief (Fojiao Ciji Gongdehui 佛教慈濟功德會, hereafter Ciji) in the management of its hospitals and its contribution to education in Taiwan as an example of the benefits to society made possible by the involvement of religious institutions in the delivery of social services. Some of the policy-makers who believe that the state is spending too much for the provision of health care and social welfare services see in the activities of organizations such as Ciji proof that civil society organizations can do better than the state for the provision of key social services such as health care and disaster relief. This paper argues that despite the remarkable achievements of Ciji in health care, education and disaster relief, these claims that religious institutions can represent an effective alternative to the state may be too optimistic.It discusses this issue by first presenting the major organizations involved in the reconstruction effort following the 921 earthquake. Then, it will present the arguments of the experts who emphasize reliance on civil society and religious organizations for social services. In a third section, it will underline the opposition this model receives from politicians with different views on religion, civil servants involved with social policy and religious affairs, media, academics, and some of the religious actors themselves in Taiwan. Then, the paper provides
details about Ciji and other Buddhist organizations’ efforts to provide emergency disaster relief andjldl sustain the reconstruction of residential housing and schools. The paper concludes with a discussion of the limits of the government’s strategy of reliance on religious institutions for the provision of disaster relief.
