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篇名 Community and the New Buddhism in Taiwan
卷期 163
並列篇名 臺灣的新興佛教社群
作者 沙學漢
頁次 161-192
關鍵字 socially-engaged Buddhismcommunity generationsocial capitalationmigrationmodern Taiwan society人間佛教現代臺灣社會移民社區培養社會資本THCITSSCI
出刊日期 200903




Chinese folk religion played an important role in strengthening ties between families in village temple communities, but in so doing it created boundaries between one temple community and another. Moreover, with the mass migration to urban areas over the past fifty years, the great majority of the population no longer lives in local rural communities. This paper, based on survey and interview data in addition to secondary
sources, wi l l argue that Taiwan’s new Buddhist groups (Tzu Chi 慈濟, Foguangshan 佛光山, Fagushan 法鼓山, Lingjiushan 靈鷲山, Fuzhi 福智, and Zhongtai Chansi 中台禪寺) not only have a positive effect on community formation by providing venues where like-minded people can get to know each other, the communities created are inclusive, vitiat ing ethnic/ political divisions in Taiwan.
