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篇名 從粵北英德的「喃嘸」醮儀看民間佛教
卷期 163
並列篇名 A Study of the Jiao Ritual Conducted by the Namo of Yingde in Northern Guangdong as a Form of Popular Buddhism
作者 譚偉倫
頁次 71-115
關鍵字 喃嘸儀式專家民間佛教英德市黃花鎮醮儀Namopopular BuddhismYingdeHuanghuajiao ritualritual specialistTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200903




This paper is based on fieldwork research conducted over the past four years (2004–07) about jiao 醮 rituals performed in Huanghua, which is located in Yingde, Guangdong province. Our microanalysis of Buddhist elements of the civil altar portion of the jiao ritual in Yingde challenges the conventional view that all jiao rituals are Taoist rites; instead, we propose to use the concept “liturgical Buddhism” to describe these rites. Our argument is built upon the self-identity of the ritual specialists, a microanalysis of the ritual itself, and an examination of the symbols of the costume and altar of ritual specialists in Yingde. We have also compared the ritual specialists in Yingde with those in Hong Kong, due to the fact that both refer to themselves as “Namos.” While the Yingde Namos identify themselves as Buddhists, and the Hong Kong Namos identify themselves as Taoists, our comparison has shown that these local ritual specialists share many common features. The Namos in Yingde consider themselves to be Buddhist monks, but they do not leave the household, and are thus best described as belonging to “popular Buddhism” or “diffused Buddhism.”
