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篇名 國王與村神:雲南大理地區佛教神祠的歷史考察
卷期 163
並列篇名 Kings and Village Deities:An Investigation of Buddhist Deities and Village Temples in the Dali Region, Yunnan
作者 連瑞枝
頁次 17-70
關鍵字 佛教傳說訶梨帝與五百神王神祇系譜神祠與村神the Divine King of Five HundredHaritivillage temples and deitiesgenealogy of deitiesBuddhist legendsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200903




The main focus of this paper is on the role of local legends in the worship of historical figures. Kings, queens and heroes of the old kingdoms, as well as Buddhist deities such as Guanyin and Mahakala, are widely worshipped as village deities in the Dali region of Yunnan. The classification system for these deities accords to the religious positions and titles for the territorial divisions of Buddhist kingdoms as used in Tantric ritual and teachings. Thus, the Nanzhao and Dali kingdoms (752–1254) used Buddhist ritual orthodoxy to elevate territorial gods and chieftains into a unified system of worship.
  Special attention is given to Xizhou, a part of the Nanzhao and Dali
kingdoms inhabited by the descendants of the Duan-surnamed kings. On the one hand, local legends cite the mother of the first Duan-surnamed king as being worshipped as Hariti, an Indian goddess. On the other hand, local villagers still worship the first Duan-surnamed king as the Divine King of Five Hundred (Wubai shenwang 五百神王). The above two instances, together with other examples, establish that the genealogy for deified historical figures serves as an idiom for a social system organized in terms of Indian legends. Moreover, although the deification of historical figures was in terms of the Buddhist Canon, they also served locally in the Nanzhao and Dali kingdoms as princes, chiefs, and mountain gods, or even the gods Mahakala and Mahavairocana. It is in this latter local sense that they have been preserved in village temples from the Ming? dynasty onward. Thus, village deities as a symbolic system reveals historyas-practice in an earlier elevation of historical figures specific to the Nanzhao and Dali kingdoms to the status of Buddhist legendary figures, and a later devolution of these same historical figures into the gods of local temples.
