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篇名 〈臺省民主歌〉之校證及其作者考索
卷期 159
並列篇名 Textual and Authorial Studies of the “Taiwanese Democracy Song"
作者 曾子良
頁次 83-169
關鍵字 臺灣民主國臺省民主歌七言歌仔抗日歌謠Taiwan RepublicTaiwanese Democracy Song7-character balladanti-Japanese songsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200803




“Taiwanese Democracy Song” is a ballad in 7-character lines. It narrates the process of Taiwan’s being rendered into Japanese territory in 1895, the Taiwanese resistance of the Japanese troops and the establishment of Taiwan Republic. The primary text examined in this paper is the lithographic edition of 1897 published by the Dianshizhai Publisher, Shanghai, supplemented by other editions. I collate these editions with annotations. Then I analyze the ballad’s diction, rhyming, related folklore and geographical background. I propose that the author ought to have been someone from the Xikou (now Songshang) area speaking with a predominantly Quanzhou accent, possibly a Nanguang master then generally called Langjunxian. In the ballad, the anti-Japanese revolutionist Zhan Zhen is vilified as a “gangster.” The content of it however, expresses discontent towards Tang Jingsong’s fleeing his presidency as well as regrets over the disunity of the anti-Japanese forces.
