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篇名 進香禮儀的探討:以大甲媽祖為例
卷期 158
並列篇名 On the Ritesof Pilgrimage: A Case Study of Dajia Mazu
作者 黃敦厚
頁次 9-38
關鍵字 進香大小禮豬羊份八大典禮媽祖進香pilgrimagegrand and lesser ceremoniessacrifice shareEight Major RitesMazu pilgrimageTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200712




Pilgrimage has been prevalent in Taiwan ever since the Qing dynasty. The Dajia Mazu pilgrimage had persisted for several hundred years and continued to grow into one of the most important pilgrimages in Taiwan. For hundreds of years, pilgrims follow the “rites” of the ethnic-Han tradition to carry out several ceremonies. The spirit of the “rites” survives even though the rituals have underwent adaptations and changes to accom modate actual needs. I first postulate in this article that it is with the notions from the Rites of Zhou, instead of the Buddhist notion of “no killing” that the pilgrims observe abstention on their way down south before Mazu's birthday celebration. The reason why followers who are in mourning refrain from participating in the pilgrimage can also be explained this way. At the end of the birthday celebration, each pilgrim claims a portion of pork from the butcher with a“sacrifice share” ticket. My second point is that this is a cus-tom that can be traced to the jun notion from the Rites of Zhou, which trans mits good fortune to people who share the sacrificial meat. Thirdly, with field investigation and textual research of the Rites of Zhou, I consider the ceremonial steps of the vanguard banners, parasols, and the goddess' palan quin to be equivalent to a bowing greeting with clasped hands (between deities), Lately, the Zhenlan Temple has turned the relatively simple rituals during the pilgrimage into more elaborated ones to accommodate the media's filming need. Chief directors of the Temple specify the more important rituals during the pilgrimage and labeled them“Eight Major Rites” for the media to cover. Thus I also trace the origins of the “threekneeling and nine kowtowing” and argue that the current ceremony follow the convention of dating from the Qing dynasty. The rituals discussed in this article are based on my observation of and interviews with the Dajia Mazu pilgrimage staff. Comparisons with observations recorded in the Rites of Zhou and from other dynasties are also included.
