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篇名 比較透氣膠膜與安全膠布固定靜脈留置針之成效探討
卷期 17:6
並列篇名 Comparison between transparent and Tape Dressing with Their Complications associated with Intra-Venous therapy
作者 王憲華李維玲陳小蓮吳家麗陳品玲
頁次 468-473
關鍵字 靜脈留置針透氣膠膜安全膠布Intra-venous catheterTransparent dressingTape dressingTSCI
出刊日期 199812


     本研究比較國內常使用的兩種固定靜脈留置針敷料〔透氣膠膜,安全膠布〕,探討使用後之靜脈注射相關合併症發生率是否有差異,研究對象為內外科病房中由靜脈注射小組執行週邊靜脈注射之病患,於靜脈留置針拔除時以觀察表,搜集病患資料。共收錄824名病患,2609次之靜脈注射經驗,病患分為兩組,兩組之平均年齡、男女性別比例、平均住院日數、潛在疾病、注射部位及導管維持日數等資料,並無顯著差異,但使用透氣膠膜組中內科病患較多。各項拔管原因中,除透氣膠膜組較安全膠布組有較多比例之移位、脫出外,其餘如到期、滲漏等拔管原因及感染合併症,並無 顯著差異;每次注射費用安全膠布組節省3.103元。以上結果可作為臨床選擇敷料之參考。


     This study was conducted to compare two dressings, transparent dressing and tape dressing, for their infection rates and complications associated with the dressings. The sample population came from the in-patients who have their IV therapy while staying in a regional general hospital. The IV team members were in charge with collecting the patient data while replacing the IV insertion. Eight hundred and twenty four patients with 2609 catheter insertions were recruited. Patients were randomly divided into two groups, one group was with transparent dressing and the other was with tape dressing when patients had their catheters secured. Male/female ratio, average days of hospitalization, underlying diseases, insertion sites, catheter lasting days, were found no difference between two groups. The need for replacement, such as time interval due, symptom of infiltration, IV occlusion, presence of pain, phlebitis, dislocation, were found no significance difference in this study. However, the patients with tra nsparent dressing frequently dislocated and plug-out than patients with tape dressing. Moreover, the complications associated with infection were found no difference between two groups. The cost of tape dressing was 3.103 NT dollars less than transparent in every use. Therefore, the result was provided a reference of choosing dressing in clinical field .
