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篇名 非胰島素依賴型糖尿病盛行率與危險因子
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
作者 陳國東陳建仁
頁次 291-308
關鍵字 非胰島素依賴型糖尿病盛行率危險因子Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitusPrevalenceRisk factorTSCI
出刊日期 199708


     本文是要對世界各地非胰島素依賴型糖尿病盛行率及危險因子做一文獻探討。已有許多研究証明糖尿病的盛行率因人群年齡結構、地域、種族之不同而有很大的差異,即使是同一種族,生活型態不同,其盛行率也不同。在傳統生活型態的社會非胰島素依賴型糖尿病的盛行率很低,隨著現代化生活的演進,盛行率隨著提高;1940年以前,美國Pima印地安人,太平洋島嶼的Micronesian及 Polynesian很少被發現有糖尿病,不過現在已有相當高的糖尿病盛行率。引發糖尿病的危險因子包括遺傳因素、肥胖、老化、高胰島素血症、飲食、運動過少、血脂異常、懷孕胎數、蛋白尿及高 尿酸血症等。台灣地區近年來由於社會經濟的發展,生活型態及飲食習慣的改變,糖尿病已逐漸變為威脅國人健康的主要疾病。目前國內這方面的研究還不多,期待更多的投入,找出國人引起非胰島素依賴型糖尿病之危險因子,使國人免於罹患非胰島素依賴型糖尿病。


     Research on mortality and prognostic factors of non-insulin-dependent Diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) was reviewed in detail. The reasons for the excess Mortality in diabetes remains ill defined at present. It is not clear to what Extent this excess is attributable to an increased prevalence or force of Established risk factors for morbidity and mortality in non-diabetic populations And to what extent specifically diabetes related-factors may play a role. Few Studies have examined their relationship between risk factors and mortality in People with NIDDM in Taiwan. There is 2-6 times excess mortality in people with NIDDM compare with the general population. The excess mortality was greater Among young adults and lowest among elderly. Death from cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, nephropathy, and cancer account for the larger proportion of this excess. Age at initial diagnosis, fasting blood sugar, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, proteinuria, obesity were the main prognostic factors for the mortality of NIDDM. Since 1993, diaberes is the fifth leading cause of death in Taiwan. It is the chronic disease with marked increasing rate of death numbers in Taiwan. A major challenge in diabetes management is reducin, to unfavorable risk factors to ameliorate the high rates Of morbidity and mortality.
