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篇名 社區精神分裂病患家庭功能與自我照顧之相關性
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Relation between Self-Care and Family Functioning Among Schizophrenic Patients in the Community
作者 邱淑貞蕭淑貞
頁次 206-213
關鍵字 社區心理衛生精神分裂病患家庭功能自我照顧Community mental healthSchizophrenic patientsSelf careFamily functioningTSCI
出刊日期 199806




The purpose of this study was to explore the relation between self-care performance and family functioning among the schizophrenic patients in the community. A convenience sampling was used to recruit subjects from the Taipei City Psychiatric Center. A structured questionnaire was used to interview qualified subjects at their home. Both descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation was used to analyze data. There were seventy-six subjects completed the questionnaires. The result showed that patients' self-care performance was postitively correlated with the level of family functioning, which included problem solving, role, affection, communication, decision-making, independence and health-care. The results are valuable for the nursing professional in providing comprehensive and long-term community care for schizophrenic patients.
