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篇名 C型肝炎在台灣
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Taiwan
作者 高嘉宏陳定信
頁次 191-197
關鍵字 C型肝炎臺灣TSCI
出刊日期 199806




Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has long been known to be the major etiologic factor of chronic liver diseases and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and in Taiwan 80-90% of chronic liver diseases and HCC are caused by HBV. Cloning of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome and subsequent development of assays for antibodies against HCV have revealed HCV as the next most common cause of these diseases in Taiwan. The prevalence of antibodies against HCV (anti-HCV) in hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-negative patients is around 70-80%, and most of them are viremic. Anti-HCV is found in 1-2% of healthy adults, and increases in parallel with age. The epidemiology of HCV infection in Taiwan is similar to other areas of the world, with horizontal transmission as the major route of infection. Blood transfusion was an important route of transmission, accounting for 30-40% of chronic HCV infection. After screening for anti-HCV in blood donors was instituted in July 1992, this infection route was effectively controlled. In contrast, vertical or perinatal transmission plays a minimal role in the spread of HCV. The predominant genotype is type lb. being detected in 66-71% of patients with chronic hepatitis C and in 83% of those with cirrhosis or HCC, followed by type 2a (20%) and 2b (10%). Analysis of serum HCV cDNA levels showed that the levels ranged from 101 to 107 copies/ml and the serum virus levels were higher in patients with genotype 1b than those with type 2a or type 2b (p<0.005), indicating genotype as an important determinant of levels of HCV viremia. Abrupt increase of virus titer, mixed infections of multiple genotypes of HCV and host immune response may contribute to the acute exacerbations of chronic hepatitis C. The incidence of HCC in anti-HCV-positive cirrhotics was studied by a prospective follow-up study, and the results showed that 3-5% of these patients developed HCC each year. The mean age when HCC was detected was 63+9 years. The results indicate a high incidence of HCC in anti-HCV-positive cirrhotic patients in Taiwan. Regarding the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, sustained response (normalization of serum transaminases and clearance of HCV RNA after stopping therapy for 6 months) to interferon (IFN) alfa is unsatisfactory. Recently, our randomized controlled study has shown that combining ribavirin with IFN alfa induces a significantly higher sustained response than IFN alone in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (43% vs. 6%).

