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篇名 台灣地區大氣中臭氧濃度逐時分佈特性之分析-並應用1小時與8小時濃度標準探討臭氧污染問題
卷期 18:6
並列篇名 Variations of Ambient Ozone Concentrations in Taiwan: Application of 1-and 8-hour Standards in the Examination of the Ozone Pollution Problem
作者 洪雪芬王秋森
頁次 423-431
關鍵字 逐時變化臭氧濃度臭氧空氣品質標準hourly variationozone concentrationsozone air quality standardsTSCI
出刊日期 199912


目標:本研究之目的在於透過大氣中臭氧濃度逐時變化型態之檢視以探討近年來台灣地區之臭氣汙染問題,並使用不同規格的濃度標準對不同地區之臭氣空氣品質進行符合標準之測試。方法:利用環保署空氣品質監測站於1994至1997年間測得之臭氣氧濃度數據進行資料分析,選擇台北市內的中山測站和高雄市內的三民測站代表都市地區,台北縣新店創站代表大台北都會區下風處,台北縣萬里創站代表人為活動較少之地區,陽明測站代表國家合園,另外高屏地區下風處則選擇屏東縣的潮州與美濃測站為代表,分析此七個測站在高臭氣汙染日之季平均逐時臭氧濃度變化情形。此外,以1小時/120ppb與8小時/80ppb兩種臭氧空氣品質標準進行符合標準之測試。結果:高臭氧汙染日之數據分析結果顯示:逐時臭氧濃度變化型態可分成五種不同類型地區,各類型地區之季平均逐時臭氧濃度變化曲線大致呈單尖峰型態,其每日尖峰濃度出現的時間介於12:00-16:00之間。夜間時段之臭氧濃度隨地區而異,國家合園和偏遠地區分別為25-45 ppb與10-25ppb,明顯高於都會區(10 ppb以下)和都會區下風的鄉村地區(10-20 ppb)。臭氧濃度符合標準之測試結果顯示:台北盆地內之測站每日最高1小時臭氧濃度平均值大於120 ppb的日數明顯多於最高8小時臭氧濃度平均值大於80 ppb的日數,而其他地區正好相反,此差異顯示台北盆地之臭氧濃度逐時變化型態不同於其它地區。結論:由於不同類型地區之季平均逐時臭氧濃度變化型態差異甚大,且此差異會影響應用不同規格標準進行符合標準之測試的結果,因此,在訂定臭氧空氣品質標準的規格與標準值時,宜考慮不同類型地區臭氧逐時分布型態的差異。


Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to analyze the ozone pollution problem in Taiwan by examining the hourly variations of the ambient ozone concentrations. In addition, compliance tests were performed for various regions using 1-hour/120 ppb and 8-hour/80 ppb standards. Methods: This study made use of hourly average ozone concentration data from 1994 through 1997 reported by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. Analyses of hourly variation patterns of ozone concentrations were carried out for the following seven monitoring stations: Chung-Shan and Shan-Min in two metropolitan centers, Shin-Dian in a downwind area of a metropolitan center, Mei-Nung and Chao-Chou in rural areas downwind of a metropolitan center, Yang-Min in a national park and Wan-Li in a remote area. To examine the patterns of hourly variations, the average values of hourly average ozone concentrations for all days with high ozone concentrations in each season were calculated for each area. Results: The results of analysis for days with high ozone concentrations show that there were five types of hourly variation patterns including: metropolitan centers, down- wind areas of a metropolitan center, rural areas downwind of a metropolitan center, national parks and remote areas. For all types, the hourly average ozone concentration curves had a single peak appear- ing between 12:00 and 16:00. The nocturnal ozone concentrations were considerably higher in the national park (25-45 ppb) and the remote areas (10-25 ppb) than in the metropolitan centers (<10 ppb) and rural areas downwind of a metropolitan center (10-20 ppb). The results of compliance tests show that the number of days exceeding the 1-hour/120 ppb standard was higher than the number of days exceeding the 8-hour/80 ppb standard in the Taipei basin, while the situations in other areas were the opposite. This indicates that the hourly variations of ambient ozone concentrations in the Taipei basin differed from those of other areas. Conclusions: The results suggest that the differences among various patterns of hourly variations of ozone concentrations should be taken into consideration when revising ozone air quality standards.
