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篇名 臺灣地區化妝品之品質檢驗概況(77~79年度)
卷期 13:5
作者 劉春英簡俊生黃文鴻
頁次 442-450
關鍵字 化妝品檢驗Cosmietic qualityLaboratory testingTSCI
出刊日期 199410




     Recent Amendment of Law for the Control ofCosmetic hygiene delegates the Department of Health with authority to exemptpremarket requirement on certain general cosmetics which do not containmedicinal components. The Department of Health promulgated the PublicAnnouncement defining the scope and categories of cosmetics which are eligiblefor premarket exemption on August of 1992. The regulatory control of cosmetichygiene therefore entered a new milestone. As the National Laboratories of Foodsand Drugs is required by law to perform testings on cosmetic products, thisreport on laboratory findings of cosmetic quality was prepared to providelaboratory results of 1722 cosmetic samples colected by local health autoritiesand analyzed by the National Laboratories of Foods and Drugs during 1988 to1990. An average rate of 20.3% noncompliance with relevant cosmetic regulationswas found, and 44.3% and 11.3% noncompliant rate were found in MedicatedCosmetics and General cosmetics respectively. Among the concompliant MedicatedCosmetics, hair dye products and hair perms represnet the major causes ofnoncompliance, which shared 88.0% and 8.7% of noncompliant Medicated Cosmetics.As for the General Cosmetics, hair spray, hair liequid, and hair stylepreparations containing hazardous methanol or freon were the major causes ofnoncomliance (46.5%), followed by containing unlabelled hair dyes or antisepticingredients (23.9%), and facial creams containing mercury components (5.0%). Thereport also descreibes the distribution of noncompliant cosmetics among variousregions of Taiwan, though the testing samples may not be perfect representative,such results still bear certain reference pruposes for administrativeconsideration for further improvement.
