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篇名 中醫門診病人對傳統醫學的認知、態度與行為意向的分析研究
卷期 13:5
作者 康健壽陳介甫周碧瑟
頁次 432-441
關鍵字 中醫知識行為Chinese traditional medicineKnowledgeBehaviorTSCI
出刊日期 199410


     本研究是以認知、態度、與行為意向三個層面去探討中醫門診病人對傳統醫學的態度,除了分析受訪者對各個問題的反應外,進一步以因素分析法將三個層面的題目歸類分組,並且探討各個共同因素在選擇不同醫院型式時的差異。 於民國 78 年 8 月至 10 月之間,對全省有開辦勞保的 26 家醫院診所進行系統性抽樣與結構式問卷。共得有效樣本 362位。 結果顯示:(1) 認知比例最高者是「中孳因藥性和治療的需要,常製成不同的劑型」,其次是「針灸是中醫常用的治療方法之一」。認知比例最低者是「拔火罐是屬於中醫的治療方法之一」。(2) 對中醫的態度方面,同意比例最高的是「西藥的副作用大,而中藥的藥性溫和,不會有副作用」,其次是「西醫的治療時間短,中醫的治療過程較久」。在不同意方面,比例最高的是「西醫診斷較準確,中醫較不準確」。(3) 行為意向方面最傾向中醫的有「肌肉扭傷,關節脫臼」與「肌肉關節酸痛,關節炎」。(4) 求診教學醫院中醫部的病患較之求診一般中醫診所的病患;對中藥的認知較高,對中西醫藥理與療效的態度較偏向中醫,對神經精神症狀的行為意向較偏向中醫。


     A structured questionnaire was answeredby persons visiting the Outpatient Clinics of two types of Chinese traditionalmedicine, ones in Western-style teaching hospitals, and the others area-matchedregular independent Chinese medicine clinics. The purpose of this study is todisclose patients' knowledge about, attitude to and behavioral intentions ofChinese traditional medicine. The total number of valid questionnaires was 362.(1)The highest percentage of agreed answers to 15 statements about knowledge ofChinese traditional medicine was Herbal drugs are made in different formsaccording to drug's character and effect; the next higherst was Acupuncture isone of the common therapeutic methods of Chinese medicine'. The lowestpercentage was Cupping is one of the treatment methods of Chinese medicine'.(2)For the 14 statements about attitude to Chinese traditional medicine orWstern medicine, the one receiving greatest agreement was Side effects ofwestern drugs are more pronounced than those of herbal drugs, and the nature ofherbal drugs is bland'; the next was The effective period for Western medicineto sustain effectiveness is shorter than that of Chinese traditional medicine.The greatest percentage of disagreement came from The diagnostic accuracy ofpractitioners of Western medicine is greater than that of Chinese traditionalmedicine. (3) the most frequent inclination asking the help of Chinesetraditional medicine was suffering from symptoms and signs such as Musclesprain, joint dislocation and Muscle ache, arthritis. Compared to patientsvisiting regular Chinese medicine clinics, the users of Chinese medicine clinicsin Estern-style teaching hospitals had beter knowledge of herbal drugs, hadgreater positive attitude to pharmacology and efficacy of Chinese traditionalmedicine, and tend to seek help from Chinese medicine particularly forneuropsychological symptoms.
