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篇名 臺北市八十學年度國中新生的節食意向研究--理性行動理論的應用
卷期 13:5
作者 李蘭陳重弘吳裴瑤潘文涵
頁次 419-431
關鍵字 青少年節食意向理性行動理論AdolescentDieting intentionTheory of reasoned actionTSCI
出刊日期 199410


     節制飲食是控制體重和預防肥胖的方法之一。為瞭解青少年想要採取節制飲食的行為意向,以系統集束抽樣法,自臺北市八十學年度國中一年級學生共 47,173 人中,選取1174 人為研究樣本。 利用體型測量儀器和結構問卷,前往各學校以集體施測方式收集相關資料。應用理性行動理論分析結果,研究對象的個人態度以持中立意見 (49.2 % ) 和反對(34.9 % ) 者居多; 他人節食規範也以中立意見 (52.9 % ) 和反對 (32.2 % ) 者居多。 整體說來,研究對象的節食意向偏負向 (非常不可能者佔 2.0 %;不可能者佔 63.8 %;可能者佔 33.7 %;非常可能者佔 0.5 % )。 與節食意向有關的重要預測變項為體質指數、節食效能、學業成績、和家人支持等四個因素。建議對於青少年,尤其是體型肥胖而且成績稍差者,及早提供節制飲食的教育計畫,藉由自我效能的提高,以及家人的相互支持,促成節制飲食的行為意向,並教導正確的節食方法,使體重得到適當的控制。


     Dietary restraint is a way for weight controland obesity pervention. In order to understand the dieting intention among theadolescents, an investigation was conducted among the seventh graders in TaipeiCity junior high schools in 1991. The procedure of systematic sampling wasemployed to select 1,174 students as a sample. The theory of reasoned action wasapplied to address this problem. A wide distribution of neutral (49.2%) andnegative (34.9%) attitudes towar dietary restraint was found. The subjectivenorms related to dietary restraint was also found to be neutral (52.9%) andnegative (32.2%). Overall, the subjects' dieting intention tended to be negative(absolutely impossible 2.0%; impossible 63.8%; possible 33.7%; absolutelypossible 0.5%). The important predictors of dieting intention included body massindex, dieting efficacy, achievement score, and family supports. It wassuggested that the adolescents, especially the students with overweight andlower achievement scores, should be provided an educational program focused onraising their levels of self-efficacy and family supports. The optimal controlof weight can be achieved when a high level of dieting intention is promoted andthe correct strategies of dietary restraint are instructed.
