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篇名 公費醫師執業科別、地點、執業機構型態之趨勢研究
卷期 13:5
作者 楊慧芬季瑋珠
頁次 405-418
關鍵字 公費醫師Government sponsored physiciansGSPsTSCI
出刊日期 199410




     The objective of this study is to understandthe charcteristics of medical institution, specialty and location selection ofgovernment sponsored physicians (GSPs) from 1982 to 1991. Subjects of the studyare GSPs dispatched from 1982 to 1991. Data are collected from the GSPs file andthe medical manpower file in teh Department of Health, as well as the studentfile of each medical school. Important findings are as follows:Specialties suchas anesthesia, psychiatry, etc, tend to increase, while primary health carespecialties decrease annually. Medial iNstitutions selected by GSPs changed bytime and stage of service. the proportion of public hospitals decreased bu thatof private hospitals increased. The proportion of health station choicedecreased annually in the second stage but increased annually in the third stageof service. National Cities are the favorite locations selected in the firststage of service. But medically under-served areas become the major choice inthe second stage and its proportion increased annually. The most remarkablecharacteristics for the GSPs of the primary health care specialty are thathealth stations and medically under-served areas are the major choice in thesecond stage. According to the findings above, we suggested that the trends ofmedical manpower distribution and specialty choice for GSPs should be morethoroughly evaluated. Policies and regulations related to GSPs dispensation alsoneed to be modified.
