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篇名 影響社區老人對護理之家居住意願的因素
卷期 13:5
作者 吳淑瓊賴惠玲江東亮
頁次 388-394
關鍵字 護理之家居住意願老人Nursing homeWillingness to resideAgedTSCI
出刊日期 199410


     本研究的目的為探討社區老人對護理之家的居住意願及其影響因素。對臺北縣市四個社區 415 位 65 歲以上老人的調查發現,21.7 %的老人回答將來身體不好需人照顧時,願意居住護理之家。又由對數複迴歸分析發現,在控制其他重要相關變項下,外省籍、無子女同住、及患較多慢性病的老人具較高的居住意願。


     The study aims to examine the factors associatedwith the willinness of community elderly to reside in a nursing home as theirlong-term care arrangement. Information from a survey of 415 older adults livingin four communities around Taipei Area indicated 21.5% agree that they wouldmove to a nursing home if they become sick and need others' help. The result ofmultiple logistic regression suggested that moving to a nursing home was morelikely to be agreed by mainlanders, the older adults not lving with theirchildren, and those with more chronic conditions.
