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篇名 臺灣地區成年人之吸菸現況:盛行率及危險因子
卷期 13:5
作者 李蘭潘怜燕晏涵文李隆安
頁次 371-380
關鍵字 成年人吸菸盛行率危險因子AdultSmokingPrevalence rateRisk factorTSCI
出刊日期 199410


     本研究之目的在臺灣地區成年人的吸菸盛行情形,並探討與吸菸有關的個人因素。抽樣的第一階段是將臺灣地區分為北、中、南、東、臺北市和高雄市等六層,各層內之鄉、鎮、區先按都市化指標排序後,再按人口比率隨機抽出25個地區。抽樣的第二階段係自各地區隨機抽出六個可訪視的集區,然後將每一集區內相連15戶地址內,18歲以上全體民眾(不論是否有戶籍登記)列為訪視對象。本調查共收到2437人的資料,其中男性1192人,女性1245人。結果發現:(1)未吸菸、偶而吸菸、經常吸菸和已戒菸者在樣本中各佔69.7%,2.3%,24.0%和4.0%;(2)739位有吸菸經驗者中,未曾戒菸、戒菸當中、回復吸菸和戒菸成功者各佔 60.1 %,1.4 %,25.4 %和 131.1 %;(3) 有吸菸者所佔比率,在二十歲及以上男性樣本之估計值、世界衛生組織標準人口與 1992 年臺灣地區人口組成之標準化吸菸率分別為 50.8 %, 50.5 %和 50.7 %:在女性樣本則分別為 2.9%,2.8 %和 2.7 %; (4) 與吸菸「可能性」有關的重要變項包括性別、年齡、教育、藉貫、婚姻、職業、反菸態度、菸害警語的效果評估、及禁菸政策的支持程度。其他變項包括慢性病有無、及對反菸廣告的效果評估等,則與吸菸未達顯著相關。臺灣地區的吸菸率高於歐美國家,極需採取有效的策略予以降低。根據本研究發現,建議戒菸之教育和宣導活動,應特別針對男性、30 歲以下、高中、 閩南籍及原住民、已婚及鰥寡、和職業等級較低者實施。教育策略宜著重反菸態度、警語效果及政策支持等態度的改變。


     The purpose of this study were to understandthe smoking prevalence in Taiwan and to investigate the Personal factors relatedto smoking behavior. The first step of sampling was to slect 25 regions fromTaiwan area while the second step of sampling was to select 6 clusters in eachregion. All adults over 17 years of 15 households being located in each clusterwere interviewed. Data on 2437 adi;ts omc;idomg 1192 males and 1245 females werecollected. The results were following: (1) the rates of non-smoker, occasionalsmoker, current and regular smoker, and former smoker were 69.7%, 2.3%, 48.0%,and 4.0% respectively; (2)the rates of never cessation, during cessation, relapeand successful cessation were 60.1%, 1.4%, 25.4% and 13.1% respectively; (3)thecurrent smokers in adults aged 20 and over were 50.9% for males and 2.8% forfemales in sample estimates; 50.3% for males and 2.7% for females in thestandardized rates according to WHO's standard population; and 50.5% for malesand 2.7% for females in the standardized rates according to 1992 population inTaiwan area; (4)the significant predictors of smoking were gender, age,education, native place, marriage, occupation, attitude toward refusing smoking,assessment of warning labels, and support of anti-smoking policy. Comparing tothe prevalence rate of smoking in industrialized countries, there is a higherrate of smoking in Taiwan area. It is imperative that effective approaches foranti- smoking should be adopted. Based on our findings, the target population ofsmoking prevention programs are those who are male, aged under 30 years old,educated less than 7 years, Fukien and aborigine, married and widow, and lowclass laborer. Educational strategies should be emphasized on attitudes change.
