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篇名 Makapabay a Calay(美麗之網):當代都蘭阿美人歌舞的生活實踐
卷期 156
並列篇名 Makapabay a Calay (A Beautiful Web): Dancing Practices of Contemporary A'tolan Amis
作者 蔡政良
頁次 031-083
關鍵字 歌舞阿美族都蘭儀式日常生活DanceAmisAtolanRitualDaily lifeTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200706




Dance in the Amis village of A’tolan is prominent in both daily
life and ritual. This article argues that there is a continuity between ritual and
dance in everyday life. That continuity takes the form of dance in daily life
and ritual being described as “a beautiful web” (makapahay a calay), where
lends to any particular dance performance a cultural authenticity. The extent
literature on Amis dance cites the classification of dance into sacred versus
secular, but places more emphasis on sacred dance, and emphasizes the perspectives
of function and symbol in ritual dance as unique expressions of
Amis social and cultural life. The focus of this article is to give a balanced
account of both sacred and secular dance from the Japanese colonial era to
the present. My own ethnographic accounts date from 2003 through 2005.
Emphasis is given to descriptions of Amis dance in terms of its forms and
experiences across time and space as well as in terms of the alternate perspectives
of inside and outside of the village.
