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篇名 臺中新樂軒與何厝關係之研究
卷期 152
並列篇名 The Study of Pei-kuan and the Community in Taichung
作者 柯孟潔
頁次 221-251
關鍵字 北管新樂軒何厝子弟團社區Pei-kuanHsin-lo HsuanHo-tsuoAmateur troupeCommunityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606




The Hsin-lo Hsuan amateur troupe in Ho-ts’uo, Taichung, has
been active since the Japanese occupation, but few scholars have paid attention
to it. The troupe was composed of young men from well-to-do families
and performed pei-kuan. It was affiliated with the village temple. On the
birthday of the deity, it offered theatrical performance to pay its respect. In
this way the troupe members participated in the affairs of the village and
promoted good relationship among the villagers. In its heyday, the Hsin-lo
Hsuan was invited to perform in Chang-hua by devotees of Ma-tsu from the
Nan-yao temple in Chang-hua. Besides, it was also supported by the Hots’uo
lineage, and so it played musical pieces on the occasion of rituals
organized by lineage members. In the industrial society very few young people
are willing to learn pei-kuan and old masters have passed away one
after another. Fortunately, the Ho-ts’uo Elementary School, in its effort to
preserve local traditions, is now offering courses taught by the surviving
masters of Hsin-lo Hsuan to increase the chance of the revival of pei-kuan.
