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篇名 冀東皮影戲戲臺與影人體製流變考述及其現狀調查
卷期 155
並列篇名 Reports on the Jidong Shadow Puppet Stages and Puppeteers
作者 鄭劭榮
頁次 201-225
關鍵字 冀東皮影戲戲臺影人變遷生存空間Jidong shadow puppet theaterStagesPuppetTransitionChance of survivalTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200703






As an important school of Chinese shadow puppet theater, the
Jidong puppet theater occupies an emblematic status in the Chinese shadow
puppet scene. Survey of the evolution of the puppet theater stages and
forms of the puppets is important for comprehending the succession and
transition of the Jidong puppet theater. The size of Jidong puppets shifted
from large to small, then small to large. With the changes of the puppets, the
stages and lighting also underwent a series of renovations. Changes in the
setting of shadow puppet theater are the main reason that induced such
Current situation of the Jidong shadow puppet theater evinces localized
artistic characteristics. No matter in puppet designs, musical styles, organization
of the troupes, management, or performances, traditional ways persist in
these aspects. Current senior puppeteers had been performers in professional
troupes during the 1960s and 70s. They, as the main force behind the
puppet theater development, promoted the renovations of the folk puppet
theater. With the impact from the dominant modern recreation culture and
the gaps between the age of both audiences and puppeteers, the chance of
survival for the shadow puppet theater is ever-shrinking. In face of such
unfavorable factors, the puppeteers are devoting themselves to searching for
an effective way to deal with the difficult situation.
