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篇名 催化與自發:新世紀臺灣歌仔戲的新戲路
卷期 155
並列篇名 Catalysis and Spontaneity: New Tracks of the Taiwanese Koa-a Opera
作者 蔡欣欣
頁次 111-150
關鍵字 歌仔戲戲路公演場文化場外臺歌仔戲小劇場歌仔戲場域Koa-a operaNew tracksPublic performanceOpen-stage koa-a operaMini-theater koa-a operaFieldTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200703




As a result of a heightened sense of national identity and indige nous culture, as well as attention from the elites, the koa-a opera has been hailed as a symbol of Taiwan's indigenous theater

Taiwanese koa-a opera in the new millennium, on the one hand main

tains the tradition repertoire, on the other hand opens up a new arena of multi-dimensional development with the encouragement of official cultural policy, establishment of new performance spaces, market-oriented considerations, and new attempts originating from theatrical art experimen的These not only expand the operation pattern of occasion-incurred contracts, but also bring about diverse theatrical artistic improvement of koa-a opera. Asa result of the twofold effect of inner spontaneity/outer catalysis, the open stage joint performances, special performance events opened up by the “traditionalart promotion" and “templefair opera repertoire reorganization" compete with the koa-a opera performances in mini theaters or tea-houses under the guideline of market-orientation and theatrical art exploration. They also complement each other within the multi-dimensional socio-cultural net work consisting of the performers, production teams, governmental organi zations, civil literary institutions, reviewers and the audience. Thus we see remarkable theatrical phenomena that are either similar to or different from the past, such 訟,professional writing of the administration project, advertisement marketing, dominance of the evaluation mechanism, brand name images, shuffling and re-shuffling of the production teams, manipulation of the diffusion of the star effect, interchange between theater and open-air stage, opera-viewing experience communication, etc.
