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篇名 達悟落成慶禮中Anood的音樂現象及其社會脈絡
卷期 156
並列篇名 The Musical Phenomenum and Social Context of Tao's Anood (Ballad) in an Inaugural Ceremony
作者 呂鈺秀
頁次 011-029
關鍵字 社會音樂學達悟族音樂口傳傳統落成慶禮AnoodSociomusicologyMusic of TaoOral traditionInaugural ceremonyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200706


今天的達1害社會,新船與新屋的落成慶禮仍常見,而落成慶禮中許多的歌唱時機,幾乎都應用著anood0此種在達悟族出現最為普遍的音樂形 式,在現象上有著短小窄音域旋律及自由朗誦節奏,並由兩句歌詞構成。同一位歌者,為了表達歌唱意念,會有多句歌詞,而其利用著帥的od的簡單旋律,在每次旋律重複時,應用前一段旋律的後句歌詞為新旋律的前句歌詞,並在新旋律的後句加入新詞。速度上,落成慶禮歌會多應用者較快速度演唱。歌唱時,貝IJ每唱完一次anood旋律,眾人會大聲複唱這位歌者的歌詞。





The inaugural ceremony of new boots and new houses in Tao
society is often held today. In the ceremonies, anood is used. This music,
which has short melody and recitative rhythm, consists of three musical
phrases two sentences of lyrics and one sentence of a nonsense vowel. A
singer, who wishes to express his concept, will sing more than two sentences
and utilizes anood. While repeating of the short anood melody, the
second sentence of the last anood will be used as the first sentence of the
new anood, and the second sentence of the new anood will be added. In
addition, the tempo of the anood in the inaugural ceremony is usually quick.
The guests in the ceremony will repeat loudly the melody and the lyrics of
the solo singer.
This music phenomenum in melody, rhythm, lyrics and singing reflects
the social context of the Tao people. The short and simple melody and the
recitative rhythm show the functional purpose of the music. The quick
tempo of singing and the loud repeating of the guests show the mutual
respect among people in the society.
In addition, lyrics are not written down in the oral tradition. People
learn through repeated singing. Because a singer is afraid of forgetting lyrics,
he sings the quick anood. The thimble method* can not only calm down the
emotion of a singer, but also let a singer think about the next sentence of
lyrics. Repeated singing provides also an opportunity for ears and mouths to
practice songs.
