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篇名 臺灣戰後四年(1945-1949)現代戲劇的發展概況
卷期 151
並列篇名 The Development of Modern Taiwanese Theatre from 1945 to 1949
作者 莊曙綺
頁次 185-252
關鍵字 現代戲劇臺灣戲劇新劇戲院廣告Modern theatreTaiwanese theatreNew dramaCinema advertisementsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200603




From August 1945 when Japan surrendered to 1949, Taiwan
experienced a drastic change and transformation in politics, economy, society,
and culture. As an element of culture, theatre reflected the complexity of
this change. During these four years, the Chinese nationalist government
took over the island from Japan. However, some Japanes people and their
opera troupes still stayed in Taiwan. Meanwhile, actors, actresses and opera
troupes from Mainland China came to Taiwan. Taiwanese people also
formed their opera troupes. The diversified stage activities in Taiwan flourished.
Modern theatre in both Taiwan and Mainland China were enlightened
by Japanese theatre. Even during the period of Japanese occupation, Taiwan
kept communicating and exchanging with Mainland China. However, the
Pacific War in 1937 blocked the traffic between Taiwan and Mainland China,
and their developments of theatre went separate ways henceforth. After
World War II ended in 1945, Taiwanese theatre began a new phase in its history.
Unfortunately, due to political reasons and long lapse of time, we are
unable to gather complete information about the impact Taiwanese theater
received and the changes it underwent during those four years. This article
tries to reconstruct the situation of Taiwanese theatre during that time, on
the basis of the information from the cinema advertisements, reviews and
reports in contemporary newspapers. It is hoped that the study of those four
years after World War II will illustrate its connection to the period of the
Japanese Occupation in regard to the development of Taiwanese theatre.
