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篇名 馬來西亞的道教拔度儀式與目連戲
卷期 151
並列篇名 Taoist Ritual of Soul Salvation and Mulian Drama in Malaysia
作者 余淑娟
頁次 005-029
關鍵字 目連戲宗教儀式劇演出場合拔度法事喪葬儀式Mulian dramaRitual operaPerformance contextTaoist ritual of soul salvationDeath ritualTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200603




The writing of this essay is based on a LingboaSoul Salvation Ritual(靈寶九幽拔度法事) and a Mulian drama I have personally witnessed from 19th to 23th September, 2004. The ritual and the drama took place in Segament, a little town situated in Johor, Malaysia. I will first describe the performance context of the drama, followed by a brief description of the drama, and the role it plays in the Soul Salvation Ritual. Using the results of my fieldwork, supplemented by certain documentation, I shall then move on to discuss the significance of a performance featuring religious rituals from both the view of its theorγand practice. To me, the essence of a religious ritual opera is determined by certain religious rituals such as "the soul salvation" (超度)or "warding off the evil spirits" (驅邪)it actually carries out dur ing the performance
