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篇名 南管曲目分類系統及其作用
卷期 152
並列篇名 The Classification System of Nanguan Songs and Its Functions
作者 王櫻芬
頁次 253-297
關鍵字 南管分類系統門頭牌名音樂認知NanguanClassification systemTune families and tunesMusic cognitionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606




Classification is one of the basic survival skills for homo sapiens.
Using this as the basic premise, this paper investigates the vital roles played
by nanguan song classification system in nanguan musicians’ cognition and
in the working mechanism of nanguan musical culture. It first proposes that
the classification system of nanguan songs consists of four main categories
of tune families (mentou) and their subordinate tunes (paiming). Then it
shows that the nascent form of the classification system already existed in
the nanguan songbooks in the early 17th century and continued to develop
to its present scale through the efforts of nanguan musicians in the past few
centuries. This paper then goes on to investigate the roles that the system
plays in the creation, performance, learning, and appreciation of nanguan
music. In terms of creation, the system provides the basis for the creation of
new pieces and new tune families, and such creative process persists to the
present despite the many innovative attempts made by musicians in the past
few decades to “reform and improve” nanguan by changing its instrumentation
and performance format or style. In terms of performance, nanguan
musicians need to acquire knowledge about the tune families and tunes in
order to be able to realize the pipa melody recorded in nanguan songbooks
into actual music; in addition, the classification system provides the framework
for the so-called “paimentou” (performing tune families) in traditional
nanguan concerts in the choices and ordering of the pieces to be performed.
In terms of learning, the system serves as the foundation for the
teaching and studying of nanguan; moreover, the traditional concerts and
the basic five or eight song suites familiarize musicians with the tune families and tunes of the system. In terms of appreciation, musicians depend on their
knowledge about the system to evaluate other musicians’ artistry and their
mastery of nanguan musical theory. In short, this paper proposes that tune
families and tunes constitute the basic identifying feature of nanguan music,
and that the classification system of these tune families and tunes functions
as the core of the operative mechanism of the nanguan musical culture.
