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篇名 傳統的再生與變異--當代梅州佛教香花的職業化與未來趨向
卷期 152
並列篇名 The Revival and Transformation of a Religious Tradition: The Professionalization and Future Trend of the Xianghua Buddhist Ritual in Meizhou
作者 王馗
頁次 175-219
關鍵字 族群香花職業化傳統變異Ethnic groupXianghua Buddhist ritualProfessionalizationTraditionTransformationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606




The paper presents the history of the Buddhist ritual of xianghua
in Meizhou of eastern Guangdon from 1911 till the present time. It deals
with the transformation of xianghua in the Buddhist context. The professionalization
of xianghua and its status as part of the cultural legacy are
given special attention. The development of xianghua had much to do with
the repeated revival of Buddhism in Meizhou. It was also closely related to
the religious practitioners and their changing ways of life over the years. The
transformation of the xianghua ritual was also the result of the interaction
among Buddhist and political systems as well as religious policies. Harmony,
stability, moderation of these systems and policies are required to ensure
prosperity of the xianghua ritual in Meizhou Hakka.
