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篇名 原型與變異--試論戰前大溪木器產業的源起與開展
卷期 152
並列篇名 Prototype and Variety: An Analysis of the Origin and Development of the Woodwork Production in Ta-hsi Region before 1945
作者 賴明珠
頁次 009-084
關鍵字 原型單一型變異木器產業有形與無形的文化資產PrototypeMonotypeVarietyWoodwork productionTangible and intangible cultural heritageTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606



yc:�者二十一年(1895)滿清將臺灣割讓給日本,隨著大和文化與西洋文化 的輸入,大溪的木器產業在生產結構、產業文化與作品形式風格上產生流動異變O日治時期,漠、和、洋多元混搭的形式風格,取代了上一個世紀單一的傳統漢式原型O藉由機械的輔助、新裝飾材料的引入與交通網絡的建立,大溪傳統的木器產業,在二十世紀前葉進入分工、量產的新紀元O



According to the written and oral sources, the woodcraft industry
in Ta-hsi started to prosper during the Ch’ing dynasty, from 1851-1874. This
arose as a result of the house building by influential families. At that time,
the craftsmen of major carpentry (tamutchiang) and minor carpentry (shiaumutchiang)
were mostly invited from Fujian and Guangdong Provinces
(Tangshan) to supervise the house construction and furniture making. All the
materials of woodwork were imported at great cost from the southeast coast
of China. Therefore, both the religious woodwork and ordinary furniture
popular in the Ta-hsi region were modeled after the styles prevailing in
Tangshan, the motherland.
After 1895 when Taiwan was ceded to Japan, the colonial government
imported Japanese and Western cultures to Taiwan and accordingly Ta-hsi’s
woodwork production changed gradually in terms of construction, industry
culture, and styles. During the colonial rule, a mixed style of multi-culture
replaced the traditional Chinese monotype adopted in the last century. In the
first half of the 20th century, the traditional woodwork production in Ta-hsi,
by means of mechanic assistance, importation of new decorative materials,
and the setup of transportation system, turned to a new epoch featuring division
of labor as well as mass production.
From the late Ch’ing period to the colonial rule, the art of woodcraft of
Ta-hsi having been passed down from generation to generation for one hundred
years, developed into a systematic cultural form. Then during the 1960s through the 1970s, the woodwork production of Ta-hsi as both tangible and
intangible cultural heritage, was transformed into a dynamic art form. This
paper aims to discuss the origin and development of the woodcraft production
of Ta-hsi before 1945 when it reached its zenith. It will analyze the evolution
of characteristics of Ta-hsi’s woodcraft from the late Ch’ing period to
the colonial rule in its social, religious, cultural and artistic context, so as to
demonstrate the close connection between the townspeople’s life and woodwork
