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篇名 做月內與坐月子中心--舊民俗轉為新產業
卷期 152
並列篇名 Postpartum Rest and Postpartum Rest Center: A New Industry from Old Custom
作者 黃季平
頁次 139-174
關鍵字 做月內坐月子中心民俗食補禁忌Chor-goeh-laiPostpartum restPostpartum rest centerFolkNourishment dietTabooTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


char goeh-Ia i (做月內)是漢系諸民族婦女生完孩子後普遍必經的一種儀式性行為,這套習俗流傳不因社會變遷而淡化,至今仍為現代人遵行不悸。本文從傳統的民俗禁忌及食補概念兩個面向的結合,論及現代的chargoeh-Ia i (做月內)方式及新興行業坐月于中心的運作。

本文歸納chargoeh-Iai (做月內)的民俗禁忌共有五大類32個項目,嘗試分析這些民俗觀念運作的合理性。以現代的角度重新檢視民俗禁忌與食補的內容,探究其與坐月于中心興起的關連,以及坐月于中心經營成功的原因。

Ichor goeh-Iai(做月內) J是傳統的文化遺產,兼具民俗禁忌與食補概 念。本文提出「坐月于中心」是chargoeh-Ia i (做月內)的異化與創新,不僅成功地傳承了chargoeh-Ia i (做月內)的民俗,也滿足了現代社會生活形態的需求。


The postpartum rest is a ceremonial behavior for all women of
Han-Chinese people after childbirth. This custom is still observed by people
today in spite of the social changes. This paper reviews the traditional folk
taboos and the concept of nourishment diet and discusses the modern methods
of postpartum rest and the operation of newly risen industry of postpartum
rest centers.
The folk taboos of postpartum rest are summarized in this paper into 32
items in 5 categories, and we try to analyze the rationalities of these taboos.
Furthermore, the traditional folk taboos and the concept of nourishment diet
are examined from the modern perspectives. This paper also investigates the
relationship between this custom and the postpartum centers, and the reasons
of their success.
The postpartum rest is a cultural heritage, which combines folk taboos
with the concept of nourishment diet. This paper shows that the postpartum
rest centers practise innovative variations of the traditional postpartum rest,
and they not only successfully carry on the postpartum rest folk custom but
also meet the demands of modern life style.
