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篇名 神聖與凡俗的交錯--臺中市東、西區土地公廟的研究
卷期 152
並列篇名 The Interweaving of Sacredness and Profanity: A Case Study of the Earth God Temples in the East and West Districts of Taichung
作者 舒奎翰
頁次 085-137
關鍵字 庄頭廟祭祀圈臺中市社會變遷人口流動Chuang-tou miaoNeighborhood templeWorship zoneTaichungSocial transitionPopulation movementTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


本文所欲探究的有二:第一為都市巾具有JT頭廟性質的十地公廟存在的現況為何,第二為其存續發展受到社會環境變遷的影響何在O為f要回答以上的議題,筆者選定臺巾市不論在者I)市地罩、區f在特性與人口結構者I)極其對比性的東區(老當市區)與西區(新興令融、消費與文化巾心)來進行比較分析O在透過出里f觀察與問卷訪談的方式走訪f60 f在里長與32間一卡地公廟的 負責人,並參照兩區者I)市計畫施行與人口結構後可發現,即使在都市地區,仍有為數眾多的一卡地公廟與祭把圈存在並持續運作茗,但是與傳統(農村)社會仙較已有所不同O這主要有兩頃閃素,第一在於國家行政權,第二在於人口結構的變遷O前者造成地區民眾、地域認同感的改變,也造成十地公廟在都市空間配置上的改變O後者改變區民的交流模式,進而使得十地公廟與區民的互動方式犀牛-變化。


This paper proposes to investigate the conditions of the Earth
God Temples that serve as neighborhood temples in the urban area today. It
also looks into the social factors that affect the relationship between temples
and inhabitants in a neighborhood. In order to address these issues, I have
chosen two districts to make a comparative analysis. The two districts are
east (old urban area) and west (new center of finance, consumption and culture)
which differ distinctly in landscapes, features of area and structures of
population. By field research and interviewing with sixty heads of sub-districts
and thirty-two managers of Earth God Temples as well as comparing
practices of city planning (都市計畫) and population structure in these two
districts, we find there are still many Temples and worship zones in operation
in the urban area, but the model of operation is actually different from
that in tradition society. This is caused by two factors: the policy of government
and the change of population. The former changes not only the inhabitants’
local identity but also the distribution of the temples in the urban area.
The latter changes the social mobility of the inhabitants, and hence the interaction
between temples and inhabitants.
