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篇名 湘潭正一道教調查
卷期 153
並列篇名 Investigation of the Zhengyi (
作者 鄢光潤
頁次 069-156
關鍵字 湘潭道教道士正一道胡雨初XiangtanZhengyi lineageDaoismDaoist masterHu YuchunTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200609




Reports of Daoist immortals being active in Xiangtan County
(Hunan) were recorded as early as the Jin Dynasty (265-420). Two Daoist
lineages have long flourished in Xiangtan: Zhengyi (“Orthodox Unity”) and
Quanzhen (“Complete Perfection”). This article begins with a description of
the geographical and cultural environment of Xiangtan, and then proceeds to
describe Zhengyi Daoism’s dissemination and development there, particularly
its rise and decline. It also provides data on the histories and current status
of Xiangtan’s Daoist temples, including succession patterns among their
Daoist masters. Another goal of the article is to introduce the Xiangtan
Daoist master Hu Yuchu, the heir of Xiangtan’s Palace of the White Spring
and Pure Yang, who was ordained as a Zhengyi Daoist at the Celestial
Master Hall on Dragon-Tiger Mountain (Longhu shan). Details of Hu
Yuchun’s initiation to Zhengyi Daoism, as well as his Daoist scriptures, are
also presented. Through textual research and field investigation, the author
illustrates how Daoism has persisted in Xiangtan through the centuries,
retaining deep roots in local society and continuing to attract vast numbers
of followers.
