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篇名 社會記憶的書寫與實踐:一個地方版廟誌的產生
卷期 154
並列篇名 The Writing and Practice of Social Memory: A Production of a Local Temple History
作者 梅慧玉
頁次 077-131
關鍵字 安平乩童廟誌社會記憶書寫AnpingSpirit mediumTemple historySocial memoryWritingTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612





Through examining the production of a temple gazetteer written
by a spirit medium for a temple known as the Palace of Five Virtues (Go–,-
tek-keng; located in the Anping district of Tainan City, Taiwan), this article
explores how an individual’s life experience becomes part of social memory,
and how society is transmitted and extended through a process of unarticulated
social creativity. Temple-centered social memory provides a sense of
history whose authorship is multiple, whose concerns are local, and whose
transmission is embodied in participants’ daily lives. This article concerns
themes of social memory and ritual, individual and social collectivity, as well
as transmission and innovation within a local tradition.
The article consists of seven sections. Section One is the introduction,
while Section Two explains the main points of the author’s argument.
Section Three formulizes the sociality expressed by the local ideas of neighborhood
(kak-thâu) and temple, the role of spirit mediums in local affairs,
and the social position of the Palace of Five Virtues. Section Four is about
conflicting versions of the past, which prompted the writing of the temple
gazetteer. Section Five introduces the book’s contents, as well as the ways in
which the spirit medium’s perspective is represented, by analyzing statements
about the temple’s history and key events in its development, the
selection of the book’s photographs, and the voice of the author. Section Six
is about how the process of writing a temple history is both created and ritualized
as part of annual ceremonies for the deity. Section Seven presents the
paper’s conclusion, which treats the implications of the production of this
temple gazetteer.
