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篇名 臨水夫人信仰的儀式活動:以臺南臨水夫人媽廟為例
卷期 154
並列篇名 Rituals and the Cult of Lady Linshui: A Case Study of Tainan's Linshui Temple
作者 康詩瑀
頁次 133-200
關鍵字 臺南臨水夫人媽廟紅頭仔紅頭師公紅頭司公栽花換斗過兒童關梗四柱元神祭改補運Lady linshui templeRitual mastersPregnancyHealth of young childrenTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612




The cult of Lady Linshui £Chen Jinggu¢ originated in the Gutian
area of Fuzhou £northern Fujian province¢. When Han Chinese people came
from Fujian to settle Taiwan during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,
they transmitted Lady Linshui’s cult to the island. Her cult soon
became highly popular in the Tainan area, which was Taiwan’s earliest economic
and administrative center. The Lady Linshui Temple in Tainan City is
currently her cult’s primary sacred site, and continues to attract worshippers
from all over Taiwan. It is particularly renowned for Lady Linshui’s ability to
provide protection for women and children.
This article focuses on the ritual masters £hongtou shigong¢ who perform
a wide range of rituals on behalf of people who come to worship at
Tainan’s Lady Linshui Temple. It describes a variety of rites designed to
ensure a successful pregnancy and protect the health of young children. The
data that I have collected during fieldwork at the Lady Linshui Temple
demonstrate the key role that religious specialists play in local society, especially
in terms of addressing both the physiological and psychological needs
of temple worshippers. In addition, this article attempts to assess the links
between religious specialists and local symbolic systems, as well as their
place in the formation of social and cultural networks.
